Sunday, July 19, 2009

Curveball. Hazard. Believe.

When life throws you a curveball, you never know what to do except the right thing.

What is the right thing? Socially acceptable? Religiously granted? Morally appropriate?

I don't know if I have done the right thing. If it's the right choice, for me, for my life.
But it does start to feel clear again.


So. When life throws you a curveball, do you dodge it? Or try and catch it?
So many life questions, so many missing answers.
So young, so mature. Pfff.. Logic never served anyone much good here.

"Follow your heart"
What a load of crap... That veiny organ gives you nothing but a lumpy mess. One lumpy crazy mess. Like how when you have too many appliances and wires at one socket. One lumpy crazy fire hazard. Don't know what leads where.

Say, "trust. in a power bigger than yourself". Say it. Now believe it please.



Anonymous said...

hmmm... often the best choice for us doesn't present itself until well after the event(s). It's like believing that everthing in life has a purpose. That purpose is only reveiled after after all the other possible outcomes have presented themselves. We never know know what the purpose is until we look back in hindsight. You have to beleive that just because something appears to have past doesn't mean it is the case. It may present itself has a possibility further down life's road. Fate presents options; its up to US to seize them; even if that means waiting until the time is right.

Anonymous said...

hehe.. i should really spell check before i post :)