Thursday, July 13, 2006


A Cappella
Jun Kai is insulting Chin Tow on MSN.
Ray is (extremely) excited about the costumes.
Jasmine is not on MSN but apprehensive towards the costumes earlier.
I was busy typing the damm heritage fest script - Lit skills applied - YAY! I studied.
Tow's complained she is too short to fit into the vietnamese costume!

Singapore Heritage Fest @ Suntec Tropics Atrium Recap:
We wore the nice but dumb looking costumes.. ~below~ Haha.. Quite hilarious. The sound check was fantastic! But then the sound engineer screwed up during our first song! Kiam pa! Our morale fell.. And it tumbled all the way into our last song.. Which sucked big time! Hopefully the audience did not hear what we heard! Juicy was apparently one of the better songs though.

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So.. as you can see.. or hopefully hear, TONE (5 member a cappella group which I belong to) is doing really well.. Slowly and steadily progressing. Singing technique and performance still need quite some work. But i think we're our greatest critique - especially Jasmine our secretary.

Funny thing is, we know we have faults, but nobody seems to be improving rapidly. Hmmm.. And irritating enough, no one in TONE dares/wants/tries/claims to pick on my mistakes in singing bass. Either 1. I'm too good. 2. They're too shy and think i'm too good. 3. I'm only singing bass and never anything else, they don't sing bass, they don't know bass, they shut up and let me stay in isolation.

We need to expand our horizons and seriously listen to more (good) music.

But hopefully, we're going somewhere with this. I think if we stay on longer, it will be wonderful by the time we all hit 21 and above! At least on my part, I really hope we can become the next Idea of North! 5 man band that can sound absolutely tight and clear!

noTe to Tone:
- Please listen to more sops, altos, tenors, baris, basses respectively. Idea of North (ION) is a good group to listen and copy. If all of us can sound like the ION singers i.e. can hold solos, can hold harmonies that sound like a solo line in itself yet blend, can have large ranges. Perfect!:D
- Listen to more English pop singers that are within your range

Gig Updates:
20th July at Esplanade Concourse – Competing in National A Cappella Championships 2006
24th July at Esplanade Concourse – Performance 7:30 & 8:30
28th July at St Magaret’s Sec – Vocalpoolloza: A Cappella Dance Party 7:30-9:30pm
Don't miss a single performance!

Chintow's contribution to TONE's (up-and-coming) blog:
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Busy as usual. Stress ah.. To many things to study! Need to work doubly hard now. Prelims 1 results aren't even satisfactory much less spectacular. Don't even know where to begin. Am seriously starting to loose hope in my ability to enter Law.

My new policy: "Don't know where I'm heading. Just Study."

Really am interested to try to take up Anthropology / Sociology in FASS ^_^
Patrick says Anthropology is very high in demand right now.. Consultants that have training in that area are highly demanded! Maybe i should do it! Since i'm able, and like to work with people and analyse relationships. Evidence: I didn't study much for "The Guide" as much as my Shakespeare paper, but is able to write a good essay on the Universal quality of a typical Indian -culture based novel. Hmmm... Good to have alternatives!

Conclusion: Law OR Sociology/Anthro (for now!)

Just bought Nelly Furtado's new CD - Loose [Wanted to buy Mariah carey, but thought mimi is worth less than Nelly Furtado] Haha!
Dionne Warwick
Idea of North - Mas que nada (I'm obsessed!)
Toni Braxton - He wasn't man enough for me
Laura Fygi - La la la la love song
Rag Fair - Love love couple furi furi de chuu
DHT - Listen to your heart
Neri Per Caso - La Raccolta

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- Jho sleep. Study. Movie. Dinner.

Quote of the Month:
"if the water don't drink the horse, bring the water to it" -Ms Evelyn Nathan, Innova JC 2006

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