Friday, April 21, 2006


This week has been a tad bit off track from the normal cycle of a school week. I am sick. Still am. Slightly.
Have not had track training this entire week.. Legs really really really itching to run! Arrgghh! The gym as well.. My entire body is soft - So irritating! Very uneasy feeling.

Well, as with my illness, i have not been resting as much as I should. In fact, i have been having ice-cream, macdonalds, and even slept at 12plus last night.. Hehe..

Was supposed to go clubbin' tonight! Arrrgghh! I should be styling my hair now, putting on some snug fit clubbin' wear and heading down to town in an hour or so! But instead, i am stuck at home. No worries. At least i did something constructive so far this evening - hung dry the laundry and understood the animations on my geog teacher blog on weather and climate.

I have Educational Blog my too! :D

Sorry. Am a bit shameless here. But also, am practising how to type html links without always referring to my template settings! I am suck a html idiot..

So much work to do over the weekends.
Don't even know where to start. Hmmm.. How about planning first? Right. I'm plan my schedule first.

I have a gig tomorrow at the Ritz; a private charity event I think. Itching to sing and harmonise! Arrrggghh! Darn illness! I can't even reach an E now without using throat voice - OUCH!

Didn't manage to meet Pascal (my friend from Germany) when he was in Singapore. Damm it! I have not seen him for almost 2 years now... And it is all because of college work. Damm the Singapore education system! You want us to be civilised and social and network? Give us the bloody time please.

Speaking of governance:
-- Not sure if i will get sued for this or not, but i'll practice self-censorship anyway --

The dialouge session with the Minister Mentor seemed to me to be one huge joke. Well at least 60% of it was a joke.

1) It prints a bad impression of intellectuals in Singapore. Really.
MM Lee already established the fact that the PAP, like any self respecting political party, would not extend a supporting arm to help the opposition gain power. It's simple logic isn't it? Who would help their "enemy"? And yes, I agree there isn't fair play in Sg politics. The PAP has dominance over most GRCs. Yes, it isn't fair. DEAL WITH IT!

I am especially irritated by the undergrad male who was wearing the Grey Shirt. Just when the intellectual lady undergrad in white brought in a new topic of poltical freedom of speech through podcasting and such, the Grey Shirt Male HAD TO bring the discussion BACK to the lack of fair play! What the hell..

To put it in local terms, "wake up your idea la!"

2) The "If I am arrogant, would I be talking to you?" statement, is indeed arrogance
TONE is everything my dear respect MM Lee. Your tone to that, although somewhat pretty (but otherwise I hate her nasal voice) lady in green is arrogance in it's own right. I think most people were laughing with me when we watched the programme.
And, my dear respectable MM Lee, though you may be the figure head of the PAP so to speak, you are not the only one in PAP dearie. The arrogance exuded is as a party, not a person.

To save my beautiful ass from getting into any trouble, this is not poltical bashing. I have respected MM Lee's contribution and marvel at how him being in his mid 80s can have such a sharp mind and clear line of thought. Truly truly impressive; when my grandfather at exactly the same age he is is asking/telling me to look out for traffic when crossing the road or study hard or any of the few tape-recorded lines he has in his vocab.

Even though the programme may have some flaws, in essence it did help me learn more about SG's poltical situation such as issues on funding for poltical parties.

Haha.. I need to do work tomorrow and on Sunday
I have Qing Ming to attend to on Sunday though. Can bring along my Brave New World to read and do notes. Love love love that book..

- Jho. Supper. Watch Alias. Sleep. Lunch date (perhaps). Gig. Do work!

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