Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Je m'appelle Jeremy

Had my first french lesson today @ the Alliance Francaise!

Was fun! Quite refreshing to be learning to (barely) converse in a 3rd language - considering my mandarin and cantonese takes up only 0.5 of my linguistic ability each.

Quelle est ta nationalite et habites ou?
Je suis Singaporean et habite a CCK!

Quelle est moi profession?
Je suis ORD personnel en Fevrier neuf!

There's an Australian and Japanese babe in my class, with an Iranian man, Indonesian and Malaysian-born Singaporeans and also a Chinoise touriste in the mix! Tres internationale!

Hope I don't loose steam with this. Jeremy tends to give up on structured learning you see. Unless it's official school work. (speaking in third person because i'd rather not associate with that undesirable trait. Hehe)

Anyways, i'm off to the gym now. Salut!

-jho. gym. meet pat. sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nous vous remercions de intiresnuyu iformatsiyu