Friday, October 12, 2007

Birthday Wish

Never been one who indulges in my birthday.
I don't believe in the celebration of ME. There's nothing to celebrate. I'm born on this day (19 freaking years ago). That's all.

But i'm really looking forward to this birthday. Because it's going to have my bestes best friends, family and my partner. May not be the most respectful of combinations, haha, but nevertheless, it's a gathering of people i love. And Moreover, i'm celebrating it with my best friend, Yanting as well! So am really looking forward to it.

I'm taking all this merry celebration and joyous spirit to spur on certain dreams i hope to achieve.

ToNE is still looking for it's official 5th member - Bass, baritone, Tenor or Vocal Percussionist.
I hope that happens soon.

ToNE is seeking to venture into a full fledge concert early 2008. We have been postponing this for almost two years now.
I hope that happens soon.

I'm looking for an acoustic band to perform at open mic sessions. This is to discover my solo singing side.
I hope that happens soon.

Of course there is a much more extensive wishlist. But since i'm currently on the computer dealing with music related stuff. I'm
hoping for those things at the moment.

Do visit TONE's blog @

-jho. blog. plan. execute.

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