Monday, May 17, 2010

E-piphany on the train ride home

I just had an ephiphany. Why are people in Singapore (and i don't mean just Singapore citizens) rushing into the train all the time? They don't let the existing train passengers alight first and prefer to barge their way into the train.

Reason 1: Yes, Kiasu-ism. [*note to foreigners: google the term]. The 'die die must win', cannot lose attitude that all Singaporeans have. But it's beyond that!

It's because...
Reason 2: The Singapore population is lazy! Just plain L A Z Y. I have noticed time and time again, the same people standing lip-locked with the train entrance are the ones dashing for the next available seat to plaster their tefal-flat bums on.

Think about it. We have trains that ferry u across a distance which only takes a 20mins walk. We'd rather wait 2mins for a lift than walk up 2 flights of stairs. When was the last time u saw someone voluntarily choose the stairs nearby when the oh-so-ergonomic escalators 10metres away are empty?

Reason 3: Herd mentality. If others are doing it, I'll do it also lah.

Even if one's Not kiasu or lazy, if u have herd mentality: (sub-consciously) Aiya, since everyone already like that lazy and kiasu, I also follow lor.

It's a vicious cycle!

I used to have issues about such mentalities and it irked the hell out of me. Not anymore! Call it apathy with age ;)

[Help Me!] However, when a rather large woman slightly shorter than I am starts unprovokedly caressing your upper back with her E-cups and you suddenly wonder when did OSIM & SMRT tie up for a standing unit massage chair, you begin to ponder about the close encounters.

You know i'm only writing this blogpost now on the train to occupy myself with my random intellect. Anything to distract me (omg, seriously) from thinking she might enjoy her evening-shift as a massage fixture on the singapore trains.

BeWITCHed, (certainly) Bothered & Bewildered,


Patrick Lambe said...

Maybe reason no 4 is that people are desperate to avoid e-cup molest!

Jho said...

The other E-Cup is in Gippsland. And she likes to flash hers. So yes, i'm counting my lucky bras.. stars..i mean